Poet Mei-mei Berssenbrugge and sculptor/painter Richard Tuttle will present a talk and give readings at Brown as part of a residency at the Program in Literary Arts. Their talk, “On Collaboration: What Happens When Artists Work Together,” will take place at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, October 21, in the Crystal Room in Alumnae Hall. The joint reading will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 22, at the McCormack Family Theater, 70 Brown St.
Notes from lecture:
On collaboration-
-as forum
-not about unifying, but the desire to unify
-a way to get formal innovation because you have formal problems
-there was a group of Canadians that got their PhD as a collaborative effort (they applied to the program as a collaborative, and received the degree as a collaborative)
-make room for the other person
-grows out of dialogue
-dynamic needs to yield art
-you don't get more [work] because of collaboration, you get the same thing [amount]
-study of relationships
-test of a theory and the application of the theory