Thursday, October 30, 2008

Project 3 Critique, October 31st, 2008// Fonda, Eleni, Heath, Johnny, Jonggeon

This is our prefabrication project critique which occurred on Friday, October 31st, 2008.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Paola Antonelli: Design and the elastic mind

This is a great video from a previous exhibit at MoMA: Design and the Elastic Mind.
Thought this was closely related to our class discussion today.

Monday, October 20, 2008

On Collaboration: What Happens When Artists Work Together

Poet Mei-mei Berssenbrugge and sculptor/painter Richard Tuttle will present a talk and give readings at Brown as part of a residency at the Program in Literary Arts. Their talk, “On Collaboration: What Happens When Artists Work Together,” will take place at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, October 21, in the Crystal Room in Alumnae Hall. The joint reading will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 22, at the McCormack Family Theater, 70 Brown St.
Notes from lecture:
On collaboration-
-as forum
-not about unifying, but the desire to unify
-a way to get formal innovation because you have formal problems
-there was a group of Canadians that got their PhD as a collaborative effort (they applied to the program as a collaborative, and received the degree as a collaborative)
-make room for the other person
-grows out of dialogue
-dynamic needs to yield art
-you don't get more [work] because of collaboration, you get the same thing [amount]
-study of relationships
-test of a theory and the application of the theory

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Project Two//Caleb, Esteban, and Fonda

The Dystopic House
More Than Just a Home
Dellamoto Designs

The dystopic house emerged as a response to Autumn (fall, transitions, migration, preparation, decay, etc.) Numerous brainstorming sessions led us to design a house, fully subsidized by the government, which was prepared to deal with the current financial crisis, oil shortage, terrorism, pollution, the mystery of dying bees, basically any kind of impending doom. Each of us designed a floor plan based on this idea, determined the order of the floors, and then we each designed an exterior. At this point we realized that the house was not just a response to the threats of dystopic society but was dystopic itself. Our lack of experience in architecture, the enormous expense and lack of practicality of the dystopic house, and our persisting goal of failure naturally led us to go ahead and make a diorama. 

The dystopic house became an upscale "fall home" for those who think a summer home just isn't enough... and know they need to be fully prepared for all of the changes and dangers Autumn brings. 

Floors: crisis luxury model, ranch style plan with maximized individual space , hyper secured crisis unit.

project two// LAG. space team...

LAG spaceteam IS: LMAC (Lauren Mackler), ANJOHN (Anders Johnson) and YOUNG GUN (Jonggeon Lee)

After having been prompted by the assignment, to create a project on the theme of autumn, and that will be aimed to "failure," we met at the Hot Club to discuss the possibilities. We because interested in how both the words autumn and failure could be reinterpreted and how language could lead us in different directions... Autumn is also Fall, falling is failing (to resist to gravity?), failing is relative much like truth and fiction.

We began thinking about projects that would have us FALLing in love, or absurd scenarios in which we would have a series of tasks and obstacles that we could not possibly succeed in (walking on water?). We began discussing the recent Chinese space walk. Like many other space adventures it is riddled with conspiracy theories of whether or not it actually took place. It turns out the transcripts of the walk were circulated a day before the launch even happened.

We decided to do our own attempt to a space walk. We wanted to apply to NASA. Eventually we perceived failing as "failing to convince you we went to space." We built space suits out of duck tape and cardboard and shot a gravity defying video in a dark alley by the river. We recorded a transcript from the space walk (supposedly the transcript that was circulated) and made a romantic slide show of our space adventures.

Our space team is now called LAG (Lauren, Anders & Gun)
The installation of the piece is modular and multi-media: 2 videos, an audio transcript, a printed transcript and the suits hanging to create a completely overly stimulating experience.

In short: Inspired by the Chinese space walk and the controversy that followed it in the fall of 2008, we decided to fail at our own spacewalk for this assignment...

Our LAG patch.
Our LAG space suits...

The LAG slideshow...

LAG slideshow from Lauren Mackler on Vimeo.

The LAG spacewalk...

spacewalk from Lauren Mackler on Vimeo.

The LAG printed transcript...

Our LAG audio transcript...

audio transcript from Lauren Mackler on Vimeo.

Project 2 // Heath, Mary B., and R.C.

Heath Ballowe
Mary Banas
R.C. Sayler

The brief for the second project in Art + Design Colab for Fall 08 requested that groups aim to fail, and document the process every step of the way. Heath, R.C. and Mary B. started out with the given topic—Autumn/Fall—and a brainstorming session. They ended up two weeks later with a set of faux-movie stills presented in corresponding vessels: Mary's was in a box, Heath's in a crate, and R.C.'s in a birdcage.

Unbeknownst to his fellow collaborators, R.C. formulated a plan in an attempt to accelerate the "failure" of the group with various invasive, destructive, and passive tactics.

The three participants presented the final project together in a slide presentation, with R.C. breaking from the group at the second slide to relay his attempts at sabotage with an oral presentation; this interfered both with the audience's ability to understand either of the presentations, as well as mimed the anxious tension that the collaborative situation created.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Heaven and Hell

A collaborative video made with Caleb Larsen & Noel O'Connell. Black Sabbath's song Heaven and Hell plays on a boom box in an alley in the location of an intense conversation about morality that we had with a homeless man.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A few images of first projects

Fonda and missing Martin diseasing trees.

John and Esteban deciding which way is up.

Highlights from ADColab's 1st iteration (Fall 2007)

From the top:

Criswell Lapin, creative director of Metropolis Magazine.

Benjamin Pardo, Design Director at Knoll, showing off classics of postwar design.

Artist Sheila Pepe talks to the class about how to keep making great work forever.

2 student projects: the Meshirt and its attending ad campaign. The Buddy bench/bike rack.