Thursday, October 16, 2008

Project Two//Caleb, Esteban, and Fonda

The Dystopic House
More Than Just a Home
Dellamoto Designs

The dystopic house emerged as a response to Autumn (fall, transitions, migration, preparation, decay, etc.) Numerous brainstorming sessions led us to design a house, fully subsidized by the government, which was prepared to deal with the current financial crisis, oil shortage, terrorism, pollution, the mystery of dying bees, basically any kind of impending doom. Each of us designed a floor plan based on this idea, determined the order of the floors, and then we each designed an exterior. At this point we realized that the house was not just a response to the threats of dystopic society but was dystopic itself. Our lack of experience in architecture, the enormous expense and lack of practicality of the dystopic house, and our persisting goal of failure naturally led us to go ahead and make a diorama. 

The dystopic house became an upscale "fall home" for those who think a summer home just isn't enough... and know they need to be fully prepared for all of the changes and dangers Autumn brings. 

Floors: crisis luxury model, ranch style plan with maximized individual space , hyper secured crisis unit.

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